Is it time for a spring clean?

Winter has almost gone, says I as I’m scraping the ice off the car again this morning!

Of course by lunchtime that frost has cleared and the clear sky means a lovely early spring sunshine emerges.


That spring sunshine however has the less than desired effect of bouncing off all those surfaces covered with a layer of dust, and the cobwebs which have kept the spiders in food all winter.

So now is the official time for a spring clean, well in my house anyway!

It’s a great opportunity to have a good old sort out and a rearrange whilst I’m at it.

What I tend to do is to take a room at a time, I take all my ornaments and bits out to give them a good clean and polish. I pull all the furniture into the centre of the room to give behind and underneath a good vacuum, I then tackle all those corners where the cobwebs have been un-disturbed all winter. Picture frames, top of doors, switches and sockets get a wipe and polish. Then finally all the furniture gets pushed back.

When it comes to bringing all the ornamental bits back in, I like to have a good rearrange and swap a few bits over to introduce lighter, brighter spring colours. Another great excuse for a bit of retail therapy.

A vase of fresh flowers and voila! onto the next room.

Do other people have a good spring clean at this time of year?

Do you do anything special to prepare your house for summer?

I’d love to hear from you



7 thoughts on “Is it time for a spring clean?

  1. That all looks immaculate to me but it’s funny you have posted on this today when I have written a post on a book about cleaning :):) great minds think alike 🙂

  2. Your living room looks beautiful and so inviting, makes me want to come round for a cup of tea haha 🙂 I need to give the house a good spring clean when I am feeling up to it, might go with your one room at a time method. I want lots of flowers in my house this year, hopefully nearly all of them from the allotment too.

  3. Yes, I have definitely been revamping my home with some interior updates! I love the mustard tones with the greys in your living room. I’m hoping to redecorate our bedroom soon.

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