What’s Going To Be Hot in 2016

Last day of the holidays before we have to get back to work. I love the holidays with the long leisurely days where you can get up anytime you like and do whatever you want without clock watching. But I do know without a job you can’t have holidays or the money to fund them! Fortunately  I do actually love my job but the regular holidays are just right for a complete relax and refresh.

It’s in the holidays I have the time to think and reflect on life. I was watching Sunday Brunch this morning who were talking about how we know what trends are going to coming this year. One of their guests was a person whose job it is to go to the hip places and see what the trend setters are up to and pass this information to all the high street chains. It makes you realise why everyone has similar ideas, shops are stocking similar things and why fashions and fads are so here today, gone tomorrow. Even the simplest action such as having the top button done up on a shirt spreads around quickly as the way to wear a shirt.

Nobody wants to think they are behind the times. Who would’ve thought pulled pork would’ve started in a Michelin starred restaurant and ended up being sold in Greggs.

Predictions for 2016 include more wearable technology, lower sugar foods, calling our babies non gender names, Wilder, Jagger, Indigo or Blues,

hmm food for thought.

Let’s get this new year started

Friday 1st January

Son and his girlfriend are back again, this time for 3 days. It’s a funny old thing when your children go off to university you get all sad and empty nester, then they promptly return for all the holidays and you realise that gone for ever notion is not happening. He’s sort of in limbo at the moment, he’s finished uni, so no longer lives in uni accommodation but doesn’t start his Engineering job until February so he lives near his temporary job in an Adhoc arrangement. This of course means all his regular belongings are still here at home and his day to day belongings are with him. He seems to drop back home to collect another forgotten item on a fairly regular basis. I will be much happier once he has started his real job, he can then get all of his life in one place. He will at least feel at lot more settled.

When we first designed our house remodelling we wanted all open plan, kitchen, dining sitting area.

It was on the first visit by the boys and their girlfriends we realised that was never going to work. All the chatting, TV, cooking smells all happening in one room was never going to be bearable. Fortunately we had the opportunity to create a separate sitting room as well, for anyone who wanted a quiet space. It’s on a day like today that sitting room really comes into its own, I can smell a pizza cooking, I can hear son and his girlfriend chatting away and I can hear an X box game being played, it doesn’t worry us though, We are in the sitting room watching Sherlock in silence.