New Garden Progress

Sorry to have been absent from my blog, I’ve been quite busy in the garden!

A quick update…..We exchanged and moved into the house on the planned date (after all the trials and tribulations of the purchase) and on the weekend we moved in, the heavens opened and it rained non stop for about 4 weeks. So no progress on the garden during the month of April but we did managed to decorate our study and get all our books and craft and hobby bits moved in.

I did manage to make room in our workshop, attached to the back of the garage, to get in all the bulbs and perennials I had planted up in preparation for the new garden. So for a good number of weeks the workshop (earmarked by hubby for all his tools) became a temporary greenhouse. I didn’t have very much choice about it but it probably wasn’t the best idea as the lack of enough light meant the plants started to get a bit leggy.

As soon as the weather picked up there was a real urgency to get beds prepared to get the plants in and growing properly. So we worked on 2 main areas of the garden, the part nearest the house is my white garden planned to have 4 beds set as a cross with slate chippings forming a path between.

Also the enormous veg plot was to be divided into individual raised plant beds to make the area more manageable.

Gravel board and treated timber, to make the corner pegs, was ordered and delivered along with a huge roll of heavy duty weed control membrane. We also hired a turf cutter to skim off the existing turf where the new beds were to be created.

The turf cutter cost around £100 to hire for the weekend and it was a godsend! It made the job of lifting all the grass so much easier and we were able to create turf rolls which we stored around the corner, out of the way, ready to use in the raised beds once all the grass had died off.

The process of removing the turf and digging over the 4 beds was a weekend job and had almost instant results. The heavy duty membrane was laid on the path area and we just had to make our mind up about colour before we ordered the slate chippings.

Finally we could get some of the plants we’d purchased and bought over from our old house planted up. We’d made a start and I felt at last we were making progress……..


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