Time to start potatoes for a summer harvest

Who doesn’t love the taste of new potatoes, warm out of the pan, dripping with melted butter?


Credit: bbcgoodfood.com

There is no doubt that homegrown ones are so much tastier than any shop bought ones and they are so simple to grow and really don’t need that much space.

If you want to guarantee a crop to eat during the summer months, you need to get started now.potato plantcredit: pinterest

I buy my seed potatoes from our local garden centre, I like to buy quality as that will ensure we get a good crop.


I like to buy first earlys, these are potatoes that can be planted out in March and will be ready to pick by July/Aug

Potato Guide

When you get them home, the first thing you need to do is ‘chit’ the potatoes, what that means is you encourage the potatoes to form sprouting roots. I lay the potatoes on a tray on a sunny windowsill in our utility room.

photo 2

They will sit here for the next 4 or 5 weeks until nice healthy shoots appear.

I look forward to getting onto the next stage…………



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